About us

In a few words..

Since its creation in 2018, Maison Bonheur has been passionately and devotedly committed to empowering young people in vulnerable situations, particularly in the most remote regions. Our organization was born from the
deep conviction that every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic background,
deserves an equal chance to realize their full potential.

Our Mission

The goal is to provide holistic and personalized programs aimed at empowering young people, especially those from mountainous regions, by enabling them to develop their skills, strengthen their self-confidence, and integrate sustainably into society. We focus on education, vocational training, psychosocial support, and access to economic opportunities to promote their autonomy and well-being.

Nos Valeurs

At the heart of our work are core values such as empathy, equity, respect, and responsibility. We believe in an inclusive and collaborative approach, where each individual is valued and supported in their journey toward autonomy.

Meet our team

The best team

Sanae Chaher

Sanae Chaher

Life Coach and Individual Psychosocial Coach

Patricia Frangioni

Patricia Frangioni


Asmae Bouraq

Asmae Bouraq

Culinary Training Manager


The Pearl of the South

In the winding alleys of Taroudant, every stone tells a thousand-year-old story, where the imprint of the past blends with the vibrancy of the present. Our city, often compared to the 'little Marrakech,' is much more than a mere replica. It embodies a rich cultural heritage, where Berber traditions intermingle with Arab influences to create a vibrant tapestry of diversity. However, despite this undeniable cultural wealth, Taroudant faces challenges. Our centuries-old ramparts bear witness to a bygone era when trade flourished, but today, our city struggles to attract visitors. The lack of tourist infrastructure hinders our growth, leaving our potential untapped.

C’est ainsi que nos jeunes, privés d’opportunités et affectés lourdement par un chômage croissant, rêvent d’un avenir meilleur. Toutefois, les portes de la formation professionnelle, notamment dans les secteurs de la restauration et de l’hôtellerie, restent souvent fermées, alors même que ces métiers sont essentiels à notre économie locale.
In the face of these challenges, our association stands as a true pillar of hope. We firmly believe in a future where every young person in Taroudant can realize their full potential, where every visitor can discover the true soul of our city. We refuse to see our talents fly away to other horizons, and we are working to extend the stay of tourists so they can fully savor all that Taroudant has to offer.
